Community Training
2 Courses
The Fireline Infection Control (FIC-100) course developed by the National Emergency Wildland Service Institute is specifically designed to help decrease the risk of infection from pathogens for wildland firefighters as well as all individuals working on the fireline.
Acts of violence have continued to occur all over the world. The purpose of this course is to better prepare individuals who might find themselves in the middle of the unthinkable.
Intellectual property is a cornerstone of innovation, creativity, and economic growth. In this course, we will delve into the various facets of IP, exploring the legal rights and protections associated with inventions, creative works, and business or medical innovations—and how to monetize them.
This training program is specifically tailored to medical professionals who work in all hazards and wildland fire environments. The course emphasizes the importance of utilizing an ICS structure when managing medical incidents within larger incidents. Ultimately, these strategies increase the likelihood of saving lives in complex and challenging situations.
Submersion injuries are low-probability calls for most Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT). EMS calls related to drownings can task medical professionals to use a multitude of skills to manage patient mortality and morbidity. This course will review the fundamental practices utilized by EMT personnel to assess and treat submersion injuries in the pre-hospital setting.
In addition to reviewing the basic properties of lightning and the different patterns of injuries that can result from lightning strikes, this course will cover the principles of BLS patient assessment and treatment for lightning strike victims. It will also cover the environmental challenges that can arise during victim extrication in wilderness remote locations.
Who doesn’t need a good cardiology review? Starting with the fundamentals of ECG interpretation and gradually progressing to advanced concepts and treatment of cardiac emergencies. Participants delve into electrode placement, cardiac anatomy, and the principles of electrical conduction in the heart.
This course is designed to provide both EMT’s and paramedics with foundational information regarding the amazing human nervous system. It provides an in-depth review of the nervous system's structure and function to help assist pre-hospital providers in their day-to-day clinical assessments and treatments.
ET CO2 has become an invaluable tool in pre-hospital emergency medical settings, offering real-time insights into a patient's respiratory status. This course is a basic review of the key fundamentals for using capnography as an important tool in the ALS toolbox.
- Contact us for pricing - The Wildland Medical Provider Course is designed to provide the skills and knowledge needed to perform in the role of a fire line medical provider. By providing online education modules with three days of immersion-planned scenario-based instruction, this course is designed to be engaging and fast-paced.
This course will explore the intersection of EMS (Emergency Medical Services) and the challenges often faced by EMS workers, particularly in the case of the homeless population. The idea for this course came from repeated conversations with EMS professionals and other public safety personnel who are interacting with the homeless population daily.